Adjinbilly is a place where you can explore and feel that you have discovered things for the first time.

We have changed the natural environment as little as possible. There are no graded tracks and the changes we have made on the walks are to clear away obstructions and put steps in where needed. Tracks generally follow old logging tracks, but each track has different features and all are special.

There are camp chairs on the cabin balconies that you are free to take anywhere on Adjinbilly as long as you put them back again, but there are also plenty places where you can sit and relax along the tracks. Don’t forget your camera – it is surprising what you see if you are quiet and patient!

Remember: Adjinbilly is a Nature Refuge and all native plants and wildlife are protected by law. Nothing can be moved or removed by guests.

You will find a map of the walks at Adjinbilly in the cabin booklet when you get here.

There are several walking tracks to choose from:

Adjinbilly Cascades
Adjinbilly Creek Circuit
The Big Trees Walk
The Hydro Scramble
The Ridge Walk

Read more about each one below.


Adjinbilly Cascades are reached by a short 2-minute walk from the Ruby campfire area. It is a beautiful place, deserving to be called the ‘heart’ of Adjinbilly. It is a ‘must’ to visit early in your stay, with the small cascading waterfalls and enveloping rainforest creating a unique, secluded setting. You can walk up to the falls (beware of slippery rocks), get wet or sit and enjoy the special feeling of just being there.

There is a table and chairs where you can share a meal (perhaps a candlelight dinner for a special occasion). To the left, as you go down the steps, the creek flows over a rock platform. It is a lovely place to bring your camp chairs and relax with your feet in the water, particularly in summer.

The rock platform is also where the hammocks can be set up over the flowing water. In firefly season you can see the fireflies rising up from the ferns on the bank just on and after dark.

Warning: do not enter any water till you know how deep it is.


This is an ungraded track mostly following old logging tracks along the creek. This beautiful walk has a myriad of highlights, from the many cascades and the beautiful views of the creek to the amazing strangler figs and the magnificent epiphytes high in the trees.

It is a walk with plenty of ‘ups and downs’, and you might get your feet wet as you cross the creek. There are seats at selected beauty spots – wonderful places where you can reflect and soak up the ambience or take special photographs.

You can request a guided walk along this circuit where special features of rainforest flora and fauna are highlighted and your guide brings to life aboriginal and logging history.

There are many unusual photographic opportunities such as the ‘lattice strangler’ fig, walking stick palms, cordylines, moss ‘gardens’, the ‘pipe organ’ fig, huge fantastically twisted vines, myriads of ferns and lichen covered rocks, to name only a few.

You may also encounter the protected crayfish in and around the water, or even along the walks, waving their claws as though to challenge you go near or pass them.

You’ll hear lots of birds, one of which is often the lyrebird. The male lyrebird often dances and sings on platforms in the rainforest but is rarely seen.


This walk takes you into the rainforest away from the creek towards the cliffs and gives you an appreciation of how large the rainforest trees and vines were before logging began over 100 years ago.

It is best to do this walk with a guide or track notes, as many of the features are off the actual track. You see an example of the massive vines that crept serpent- like through the tree tops. There are group photograph opportunities atop stumps of huge logged trees.

The other special features of this rainforest walk are the massive strangler figs which remain in their original form and size because they were never logged. With enormous roots stretching 30metres and more above ground they resemble huge octopus gripping the ground with their gigantic tentacles.

See living examples of how strangler figs begin life high up a tree and then ‘strangle’ the host tree to eventually stand on their own.


If you are an experienced bushwalker you might enjoy following the hydro pipes up the creek to the ‘hydro pool’.

This is not a ‘walk’ but more of a scramble as you will be climbing over rocks, logs, roots etc as you follow the route we take to maintain and repair our water supply pipes….Lots of fun but not for the inexperienced. Expect to get wet!


This walk takes you on a steep climbing track to the top of the ridge above Adjinbilly where you can enter the cliff- top habitat of the rare and endangered Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby.

They are very shy, but a number of guests have managed to photograph these unique wallabies in among the rocks where they live. It is best to allow time to sit quietly among the rocks once you have reached the top as the wallabies can be quite curious to see what you are up to. Sometimes you can see their ears poking up above the rocks as they check you out. On a couple occasions, we have only seen them as we were leaving when they came out to watch us go back down the mountain.

There are great opportunities for photography with the view of Killarney in the distance and the mountains and cliffs all around you.

You can also look for the remains of the winch cable drum and foundations which were built to winch the logs down from the top of the cliffs to the loading ramp at the gate on the way in. The old rusty boiler which you can see near the gate was to be used to operate the winch and was never removed.This walk is for the fit and experienced and takes about two and a half hours return. It is best to do this walk early in the day to avoid the heat in the middle of the day.

WARNING: The cliffs are sheer and very dangerous and there is no track anywhere at the top. You must be equipped with communication, first aid and snake bite kits, food and water as well as proper hiking gear. This is a guided walk only and must be arranged with Tony.

Call (07) 4664 1599 to make your booking today!
